
Showing posts from 2018

New Video: Android Messages - New contact notifications

via IFTTT Created At: April 10, 2018 at 02:37PM Link not working? Here's the link:

Code Snippet of the Week | code / pre Elements

Another code snippet! This week, I'll be covering how to create code snippets with the <code> and <pre> HTML tags. Note: If you haven't seen it, I've designed an image for these kind of posts! Look out for posts with the image on the top of the post! Toggle Table of Contents Table Of Contents Table of Contents Getting Started Creating code Highlight.js Example Demo Getting Started To get started, ensure that you have a code editor (ideally Visual Studio Code , Sublime Text , Atom , etc.). Get started by downloading either of the coding editors as stated above (or you can search some online; DON'T USE YOUR BUILT-IN NOTEPAD/TEXTEDIT!! ) Next, open up the code editor and create a new file. We'll name the file index.html Create the bare minimal for an HTML file. Copy the code below: <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- This is the line that is required in order for th

Coming soon: A new blog

Yes, for some reason I keep on changing themes as a few may have seen. I'll be testing a prototype on a new blog and will probably consider using Github Pages. It should take about a month or so. If you would like to help, please take the survey (Google Forms): open_in_new Take Survey